Wednesday, August 25, 2010

New Social Media Classes in Warrensville Ohio

We have just secured the wonderful ITT Technical Institute for three more social media classes this September.

September 9: Maximize your LinkedIn profile and make the most of this great business tool

Bring your laptop and learn how to make the most of your LinkedIn experience. You'll learn:

Maximize your profile for the best visibility
Using the search function to aide in your sales process
Benefits of participating in questions/answers for your industry
Why groups are so valuable - how to participate and how to start one
Event promotion via LinkedIn
Connecting your blog to LinkedIn
Making the most out of the weekly LinkedIn Status updates email

Every participant will receive a detailed, four-color workbook to supplement their learning and as a reference guide after they leave the class. Class size is small for personalized attention. Class is IN PERSON, not a webinar to ensure each participant receives the utmost value.

The class is limited to 15 people. Reserve your seat today.

September 16: Create a Customer Focused Social Media Strategy

You have multiple social media accounts, but are they helping you to effectively connect with customers and promote your business?

In this 90-minute workshop participants will:

•Establish a goal for their social media participation
•Organize their accounts/user names/passwords for easy reference
•Differentiating between "money" sites and "support" sites and how to connect between them
•Identify their target audience and how to create their social media participation directly to their customers
•Make a plan to fit social media into their day
•Create a daily/weekly/monthly strategy for their participation
In this interactive workshop, participants will work together to create their strategy and leave with a specific, customized plan for their business.

This is a popular class that has been delivered to standing room only crowds at Podcamp Cleveland and Podcamp Ohio. Reserve your seat today.

September 23: Promote your Business Event with Social Media

Planning a workshop, grand opening or special one day event for your business? Learn how to use the tools available through social media to promote your event. Bring your laptop and get started promoting your next business event.

Participants will:

•Learn how to create a press release
•Understand the many uses for a press release besides the local paper
•Set up their event using the Facebook and LinkedIn Event functions
•Set up their event using Event Brite for tickets with a fee
•Promote their event using Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook
•Create a Twitter hashmark to organize their event "tweets"
Make sure you are promoting your event where your target audience lives: online! Learn how to use the free tools available online to create buzz and drive traffic to your next event.

Class size is limited so click to reserve your seat today.